Why Veterinary?

Why Veterinary?

In India, livestock production system and agriculture are intrinsically linked, dependent on each other, both crucial for overall food security of the nation.

Agriculture is the largest private sector and an integral component of Indian agricultural and rural economy, employing and supporting a majority of the rural masses. The agricultural sector engages about 57% of the total working population and about 73% of the rural labour force. Livestock employed 8.8% of the agricultural work force albeit it varied widely from 3% in North-Eastern states to 40-48% in Punjab and Haryana. Animal husbandry promotes gender equity. More than three-fourth of the labour demand in livestock production is met by women. The share of women employment in livestock sector is around 90% in Punjab and Haryana where dairying is a prominent activity and animals are stall fed.

The livestock sector plays a vital role in Indian economy and it is an economically important sub-sector of Indian agriculture. The contribution of livestock sector in the arid and semi-arid areas is substantial and it ranges from 70 % to 40 % of the agriculture sector. The Animal Health sector provides an opportunity and platform where, the marginal farmer will directly contribute to the nation’s growth instead of getting benefit from growth generated elsewhere. Interestingly, a major part of livestock production is concentrated among the marginal, small and landless agricultural labourers and the income from livestock production system provides stability and acts as an insurance against crop failures, natural calamities, etc.